All of the action took place this August as festival goers rocked up at Newquay for Boardmasters Festival 2017.
The CANNA Ramp got the adrenaline pumping on Fistral Beach, as it hosted a variety of amateur and professional talent. The public skate attracted a number of skateboarders and BMX riders, many of which signed up to the amateur competition that resulted in some intense final runs on the last day! Congratulations to the winners of the skate, BMX, Girls Skate UK and the Under 16 Young Guns competitions, you were all awesome.

The Garden presented by CANNA proved a hit at Watergate Bay as people took a load off, enjoyed some garden games and relaxed at our bar. Within the Garden, we set up a Graffiti Wall which was open to the public, it was run by two guest graffiti artists Luke Embden and Bex. Over the weekend they taught and demonstrated the wonders of street art, allowing visitors to express themselves in vibrant colours and shapes.

Throughout the weekend, CANNA challenged the public to a Facebook competition to win their very own CANNA BMX. Photos came in forms of dogs, crowds, CANNA caps and sunglasses – even some gymnastics! Our winner was crowned and his BMX is winging its way to him.
Thank you Boardmasters!!