CANNA pH- Grow & CANNA pH- Bloom

    In order to lower the pH in the feeding tank there is the pH- series. There are different solutions available for the vegetative (growing) and generative (blooming) phases.

    CANNA pH+

    In order to adjust the pH upwards there is CANNA pH+. This product is suitable for both the growth and the flowering phase. CANNA has two different solutions of CANNA pH+. One of 5 % for small adjustments and one of 20% for larger corrections.

    CANNA Organic Acid

    CANNA Organic Acid can be used as an organic alternative for CANNA pH-. It can be used to bring down the pH values in your water or substrate. Maintaining the right pH value is crucial for your plant's ability to take up nutrients. It also serves as an alternative for nitric acid and phosphoric acid.

    CANNA pH- Grow

    CANNA pH- Grow can be used to reduce the pH value of the nutrient solution during the vegetative period.

    User Instructions

    • Add pH adjuster in very small doses (5ml) to the nutrient tank, checking the value of the pH level until desired pH level is achieved (6.2)
    • Stir well before every measurement


    • Corrosive elements
    • Causes severe burns
    • Keep locked up and out of the reach of children
    • Do not inhale vapours
    • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice
    • Wear suitable protective clothing
    • Take off immediately all contaminated clothing- In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible)

    CANNA pH- Bloom

    pH- BLOOM is used to reduce the pH value of the nutrient solution during the flowering period.

    User Instructions

    • Add pH adjuster in very small doses (5ml) to the nutrient tank, checking the value of the pH level until desired pH level is achieved (6.2)
    • Stir well before every measurement


    • Corrosive elements, 59% phosphoric acid
    • Causes burns
    • Keep locked up and out of the reach of children
    • Wear suitable protective clothing
    • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice
    • In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible)


    Contains 41% phosphoricanhydride (P2O5)

    CANNA pH+

    The phase of the plant is not important if you are raising the pH with CANNA pH+. CANNA has two different solutions for raising the pH, one of 5 % for small adjustments and one of 20% for larger corrections.

    • Add pH adjuster in very small doses (14ml) to the nutrient tank, checking the value of the pH level until desired pH level is achieved (6.2).
    • Stir well before every measurement.


    • Causes severe burns
    • Keep locked up and out of the reach of children
    • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice
    • Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
    • Take off immediately all contaminated clothing
    • In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible)


    potassium carbonate 5% potassium hydroxide (KOH)


    13% potassiumoxide (K2O)

    CANNA Organic Acid

    CANNA Organic Acid contains 50% citric acid.


    • Dilute 2 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:5000). Mix well and measure the pH value.
    • If necessary, repeat the aforementioned until the required degree of acidity is reached.
    • Recommended pH value pH: 5.2 - 6.4


    • Do not mix with pure fertilisers.
    • Keep away from children.
    • Minimum storage temperature 5 degrees, store in a dark place.

    Bacteria and moulds thrive well on citric acid, and therefore also in the nutrient tank. Care should be taken to refresh the solution in the tank on a regular basis.

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    CANNA pH-series
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