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Growing with NPK Technology

18 August, 2014
Growing your own food is not only fun and healthy, you can also learn a lot about how you need to treat the vegetables or fruit you are working with. A few kids from Liverpool in the age of 4 to 19 years old are currently increasing their growing knowledge at one of the beautiful allotment gardens in Liverpool, where the hydroponics shop NPK Technology is helping them.

Growing with NPK Technology

The hydroponics and home gardening store NPK Technology recently began a partnership with the Unity Youth & Community Centre in Liverpool, the Association of Liverpool Allotments, Growing Granby and Rotters (for recycling food and waste). Once a week the staff at NPK Technology visit the allotment to help the kids with their gardening.

Their goal is to teaching the kids how they can grow their own food in an environmentally friendly way in unused spaces in the Granby Triangle. In the meantime, this allotment is anything but unused, thanks to this partnership and – of course – the hard-working kids.

In no time there will be juicy strawberries, beautiful raspberries and sweet melons to enjoy. And don't forget to mention punchy radish, tasteful cauliflower and delicious beetroots, all grown on BIOCANNA Terra Professional Plus. That sounds good!

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