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Greenfinger and CANNA for the Philippines

6 January, 2014
As a result of the devastating typhoon Haiyan in November, thousands of Philippine people perished and millions of people were left homeless. The staff at Greenfinger Hydroponics Ltd, with shops in Kingston and Bermondsey, wanted to help the victims of typhoon Haiyan. On 15th December the team at Greenfinger Hydroponics organised a 5K charity festive run/walk and they raised £1,180.00. CANNA also did its bit through a generous donation.

Greenfinger and CANNA for the Philippines

It's not the first time the staff of Greenfinger Hydroponics Ltd have done their bit to support a good cause.

The team have already helped raise money for charities like Cancer Research UK, Macmillan Nurses, Water Aid, British Heart Foundation and some smaller local charities that are close to their hearts.

This time the staff decided to raise funds by doing a run for the victims of typhoon Haiyan, and yes, all those months of training and the strict 'lasagne-and-beer diet' really did the job because all the participants finished and managed to raise £1,180.00!

Greenfinger and CANNA for the Philippines
(Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

GlobalGiving, part of JustGiving, makes sure that donors see the tangible effects of their donation to the Philippine people.