RHIZOTONIC: Improved formulation!
Here at CANNA, we are constantly working behind the scenes, researching ways to make tangible and worth-while improvements to our products, only implementing change that will genuinely benefit the grower. With that sentiment in mind, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved formulation of your favourite rooting stimulant: CANNA RHIZOTONIC.
The new formulation of RHIZOTONIC has been produced in such a way that dosage and application remains the same as before, so there is no change to the normal growguide routine other than easier tank management.
So then, what exactly are the practical differences a grower will notice?

Easier pH Management (typically):
As a result of the improved extraction process, the pH of RHIZOTONIC is now more acidic, rather than its former alkaline version. Therefore, you will usually require less pH adjustment after applying it into a nutrient solution.
Improved Effectiveness Over-time:
The over-all shelf-life of RHIZOTONIC has doubled! Now boasting a two year life span, the wealth of benefits gained from applying RHIZOTONIC remain at optimal efficacy for twice as long.
Richer Colour and Improved Smell:
RHIZOTONIC now has a darker, richer colour to it. It is easily distinguished from the old version in the concentrated bottle and will appear slightly more red when diluted. The sea-side smell has now changed to a deeper sugary-sweet one – much easier on the nose!
For more information about each and every change, see the following link to an extensive interview with our principle researcher, direct from the CANNA Research Facilities.